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Virtual FTP-servers with wu-ftpd Winfried Trⁿmper <winni@xpilot.org>
-------------------------------- with help from
Brian Grossman <brian@SoftHome.Net>
Version 1.2 27.01.97
1. Introduction
Linux has the ability to run several "hosts" on one machine.
Many people already use this to run more than 1 WWW-Service on
their Linux box, e.g.
www.sharpers.com (
www.usurers.com (
www.swindlers.com (
appear as if they were 3 different hosts but in fact there is
only one Linux-PC serving them.
The technique behind this feature is called "multihoming" and
based on the ability of Linux to assign several IP-addresses
to one network-interface (ethernet-card or modem). In effect,
you do not need several ethernet-cards to make Linux listen to
several addresses/hostnames on the net.
Linux handles the additional IP-addresses through so called
"virtual interfaces" which physically represent the same
hardware but are logically distinguished with their ip-addresses
by the software (and the kernel).
Those virtual interfaces are labeled similar than the main
interface they "point" to and are simply suffixed by a (more or
less) arbitrary number.
The proper term for such a virutal interfaces is "ip-alias". For
the virtual hosts above, the command "ifconfig" gives the (heavily
edited) output:
interface IP-address broadcast-address netmask
^-- no. of the ip-alias
To be able to use the facility of ip-aliases you need a "module"
for the Linux-kernel that can be fixated into the kernel when
compiling or loaded at run-time by issuing the command (as root):
insmod ipalias
Most modern distributions should provide this module so I don't
want to waste time in describing how to create it (hint: if it's
missing, read the Linux Kernel-HOWTO).
The ip-aliases for the hosts above are created with a little
shell-script when booting:
8<----- cut here 8<-----
NETMASK="" # replace with YOUR netmask
BROADCAST="" # replace with YOUR broadcast-address
MAIN_IF="eth0" # "main" interface
# you should not need to modify anything below
/sbin/ifconfig ${NETTYPE}:${i} ${ALIAS} \
broadcast ${BROADCAST} netmask ${NETMASK}
/sbin/route add -host ${ALIAS} dev ${NETTYPE}:${i}
8<----- cut here 8<-----
If you have further questions about ip-aliases, please look at
the Linux "IP Alias mini-HOWTO" and the file
"Documentation/aliases.txt" from the sources of the Linux-kernel
(usally in the directory "/usr/src/linux").
2. Virtual Services and Servers
If a hostname belongs to an virtual interface, it is commonly
called "virtual host".
A daemon that runs a service on a virtual host (or a virtual
interface) is called "virtual server".
2.1. Virtual WWW-Servers
We already had an example for 3 virtual WWW-Servers above:
www.sharpers.com, www.usurers.com, www.swindlers.com
The configuration of all major http-daemons I know (e.g. the
well-designed "Roxen Challenger" or the widespread "Apache")
to make use of the virtual hosts is easy and already well
In short: just bind the www-port (no. 80) to the virtual network
interface with the desired ip-address/hostname for each
WWW-server you run. There is no trick.
Read the Linux "Virtual Web mini-HOWTO" to get more information
on this issue.
2.2. Virtual mail-addresses
In the simplest case you want to recieve mail for all your
virtual hosts and for the dedicated domains:
www.sharpers.com, www.usurers.com, www.swindlers.com,
sharpers.com, usurers.com, swindlers.com
Even the configuration of "smail" or "sendmail" (the daemons
that handle the mail-traffic on you Linux-box) is relativly
easy: mention the additional hostnames/domains in
"/etc/smail/config" (entries 'hostnames='), resp.
"/etc/mail/sendmail.cw" (each hostname on a seperate line).
To implement a "real" virtual domain featuring smail, please
look at the smail-FAQ available from
2.3. Virtual ftp-servers
The concept of a virtual ftp-server is not supported by
default for any ftp-daemon I know.
What regards to the widespread used daemon "wu-ftpd", there
is a patch by Brian Grossman <brian@SoftHome.Net> to make the
anonymous FTP-service distinguish between the virtual
interfaces. Availability is mentioned in chapter 3.
There seem to be no other patches around that do the same.
The main idea of the Brian's multihome-patch for is to make
wu-ftpd "chroot()" to
instead of just doing a chroot() into
In the example shown below, the user thats connects to
"ftp.swindlers.com" via anonymous ftp is locked up under
"/home/ano-ftp/ftp.swindlers.com/" instead of just under
You can imagine that the basic setup is straightforward and
does not differ much from setting up a single anoymous ftp-account.
Kudos to Brian for this easy and efficient setup-strategy.
Let me assume you would already have this special version of
wu-ftpd compiled youself or fetched the binaries and let me
postpone all realated questions to the end of this document.
I will give you a real-world example and tell you what I did
for one of my customers (I only changed the machine names to
non-existant ones ...).
(a) Created a directory "/home/ano-ftp" to incorporate the different
anonymous ftp-servers.
mkdir /home/ano-ftp && cd /home/ano-ftp
mkdir ftp.sharpers.com ftp.usurers.com ftp.swindlers.com
Resulting in a tree:
|-- ftp.sharpers.com
|-- ftp.swindlers.com
`-- ftp.usurers.com
(b) Copied the necessary files for an anonymous ftp-service from the
already configured anonymous-ftp-directory "/home/ftp" into the
newly created directories
cd /home/ano-ftp/ftp.sharpers.com
cp -a /home/ftp/* .
cd ../ftp.swindlers.com
cp -a /home/ftp/* .
cd ../ftp.usurers.com
cp -a /home/ftp/* .
Don't forget to delete the superfluous files under "pub/"
afterwards (or simply don't copy them at all).
For example, the "/home/ftp" the Debian-distribution provides looks
/home/ftp Permissions Owner Group Size
|-- bin d--x--x--x 2 root root
| |-- gzip ---x--x--x 1 root root 45121
| |-- ls ---x--x--x 1 root root 22945
| `-- tar ---------- 1 root root 77769
|-- etc d--x--x--x 2 root root
| |-- group -r--r--r-- 1 root root 18
| |-- passwd -r--r--r-- 1 root root 44
| `-- pathmsg -r--r--r-- 1 root root 172
|-- lib d--x--x--x 2 root root
| |-- ld-linux.so.1 -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 21375
| |-- libc.so.5.2.18 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 536252
| `-- libc.so.5 -> libc.so.5.2.18
|-- pub dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root
| `-- whatever
`-- welcome.msg -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 323
(c) Changed the home-directory of the anonymous ftp-account to
"/home/ano-ftp" by editing the file "/etc/passwd".
ftp:*:11:11:Anonymous FTP:/home/ano-ftp:/bin/sh
These 3 steps were the basic setup and already enabled a
seperate ftp-areas for each of the 3 virtual hosts.
My actual job was a little bit more complicated in that I had
to enable disk-quotas (limiting the consumable disk-space per
user/group) in each incoming-diretory so the story continues:
(d) Enabled upload-areas in wu-ftpds config-file "/etc/ftpd/ftpaccess"
8<----- cut here 8<-----
upload /home/ano-ftp/www.sharpers.de * no
upload /home/ano-ftp/www.sharpers.de /incoming yes sharpers ftp 0660 nodirs
upload /home/ano-ftp/www.swindlers.de * no
upload /home/ano-ftp/www.swindlers.de /incoming yes swindler ftp 0660 nodirs
upload /home/ano-ftp/www.usurers.de * no
upload /home/ano-ftp/www.usurers.de /incoming yes usurers ftp 0660 nodirs
# | | | | |
# uploads allowed --+ | | | |
# uploaded files should be owned by this user ---------+ | | |
# dito for the group ----------------+ | |
# access rights for uploaded files ---------------------+ |
# creation of directories not allowed ---------------------------+
8<----- cut here 8<-----
Now, every file uploaded to those ftp-servers belongs to a
seperate user for which quotas can be enabled.
(e) Configured the disk-quotas
Suggested readings: "/usr/doc/quotas.txt" and the Linux
"Quota mini-HOWTO".
* Added "usrquota=/etc/quota/ano-ftp.users" to the mount-options
of the partition "/home/an-ftp" is stored on in "/etc/fstab".
* Created "/etc/quota/ano-ftp.users" via the "touch"-command
* Switched on quotas by issuing "quotaon"
* Set quotas with "edquota swindlers", etc.
Quotas for user swindlers:
/dev/sdb8: blocks in use: 0, limits (soft = 0, hard = 10000)
inodes in use: 1, limits (soft = 0, hard = 1000)
The corresponding disk-space depends on the size of the blocks
when you created the filesystem (standard is 1 block = 1 kb).
3. Availability
The multihome-patch (20kb) for wu-ftpd can be downloaded from
Please read it to get details about the copyright.
The sources for "wu-ftpd" itself are floating around in the net,
use archie to find the nearest server that carries them. Change
into the directory that is created when unpacking the sources and
patch < ../multihomed-wu-ftpd-2.4-23.patch
to merge the patch into the sources. The FAQ for wu-ftpd is
available from
End of the Virtual-wu-ftpd mini-HOWTO